• 我们的愿景


    To be an innovative leader in managing investment programs, globally recognized for our positive impact on our clients and industry.

    • 综合投资解决方案

      • Angeles is a multi-asset investment firm, 提供先进的, 定制的 investment solutions to institutional and private wealth clients.
      • We believe no two clients are identical when considering their mission, 值, 投资目标, 资金和经营实力, 以及承担风险的能力. This is what drives us to offer solutions tailored to meet their unique needs.
      • 我们的客户关系建立在健全的治理和审慎的受托实践的基础上. 只有这样,一个成功的投资项目才能提供持续强劲的投资业绩.
      • 没有任何一家投资经理能够为全球投资组合提供令人信服的风险调整后回报. 我们的开放式架构结构,以及作为一个深思熟虑、耐心的投资者的声誉,使我们有机会接触到最好的基金经理, including ones that may have been closed or had limited capacity. We expect to continue this level of access in the future.
      • yabo亚博网站登录首页培养了一种尊重的文化, yabo亚博网站登录, 和多样性, while fostering professional growth and learning. 这种有吸引力的环境有助于我们团队的稳定和合作.
      • 我们为客户的成功感到骄傲, which drives us to be better and work harder for them and ourselves.
      • Angeles是认证B公司™,在OCIO行业中获得突出认可*. 安吉利斯**将此作为我们做出负责任投资决策的承诺的一部分. 我们以无可置疑的正直行事, serving as a trusted steward and long-term partner with our clients.

      *The rating was given by B Lab™ Global on January 29, 2023, 并将涵盖2023年1月至2026年1月期间,届时Angeles将重新获得认证. Angeles pays an annual fee to maintain this membership. ** Angeles Wealth was not examined in the certification process.

    • 事实一目了然


      • 监督约6美元.5 billion in OCIO relationships, as well as approximately $38.40亿美元的咨询关系.*
      • 59客户关系, approximately 75% of which are OCIO and 45% being with us for over 10 years.**
      • 我们的投资官员平均有25年的投资经验,在yabo亚博网站登录首页有10年以上的投资经验.
      • 自2002年以来一直是GIPS®合规公司.***
      • Independent, 100% employee-owned firm founded in 2001.
      • 美国证券交易委员会注册投资顾问.

      *OCIO assets represent SEC regulatory assets under management. 38美元.40亿的咨询资产, Angeles对资产配置决策没有自由裁量权,但确实收取费用.
      **Includes time spent at Asset Strategy Consulting
      ***Angeles声称符合全球投资绩效标准(GIPS®). GIPS® is a registered trademark owned by CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

    • 机构投资者


      在整个机构领域,我们与各种投资者合作,构建定制的投资解决方案. 基金会, 捐赠基金, and other non-profit institutions represent the majority of our client relationships, and we have extensive experience working with pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and insurance companies. We bring deep expertise to develop long-term investment solutions, while balancing spending and liquidity needs.

    • 私人财富


      我们为精选的私人财富投资者和家族理财室提供机构级的解决方案. 我们的团队与客户密切合作,了解每位投资者的独特考虑(从短期流动性需求到长期投资目标), 代计划, 家庭动态和税务考虑),因为我们建立复杂和定制的综合投资计划.

    历史-办公室照片 历史-办公室照片

    Founded in 2001, we were then, and remain today, an independent, employee-owned firm.

    We have always preferred a close partnership with our clients, 通过充当他们的投资办公室,我们将自己视为他们组织的延伸. 事实上, 我们模仿大型非营利机构的组织结构, with deep expertise spanning the front and back office.

    Over our history we have added to the depth of our skills, 我们经验的广度, and the quality of our analytical tools. It is our belief that value from this will accrue to our clients, 我们努力在不断变化的全球环境中提供成熟的投资解决方案. 当病人, long-term investors with a selective client base, 我们专注于真正独特的投资机会,并构建我们相信随着时间的推移会带来成功结果的投资组合.

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